Sextoylux™ was founded by Gabriela and Tony, who had the vision of providing the most luxurious sex toys to you. You, our customer is of utmost priority to us. For us our customer is above everything.
Therefore, you can be rest assured that what you get at Sextoylux is the most luxurious and high-quality sex toys. We ensure that we sell sex-toys manufactured with the finest materials.
Ours’ is a premium sex toy store, especially made with the elite customer in mind. We are sure that you’ll have an awesome experience with us and will keep coming back for more. Our happy customers vouch regarding the same and we are sure you’ll also fall into the category of regular customers on our site.
Our sex toys are of the best quality and we have meticulously and tirelessly worked to bring the best from all over the world to you. We ensure that we sell only the top manufacturers products on our site, so that you don’t contract any allergy with the use of our toys. We are very particular about our customers’ health and well-being and hence in this regard, you can trust us blindly.
You, as a customer can be rest assured that after using our products you’ll not get any kind of allergy, rash or illness. They are made of medical-grade silicone and phthalate-free materials. Premium quality silicone is never rubbery, but extremely soft and this plays an important role in enhancing your sexual pleasure.
Our premium sex toys are made by expert craftsmen and they are also high-tech and manufactured from body-safe materials. The dildos on sale on our site are eco-friendly and handcrafted by artisans. We have remote-controlled and rechargeable vibrators for you on our site, among our esteemed range of sex toys. If you are after high-tech, latest and out-of-the-box designed luxury sex toys, then you got to get it from sextoylux.
Luxury sex toys have better and quieter motors, for a peaceful and more stimulating effect. Even if you’ll have to shell out a little extra money, the results are magnificent, which frankly speaking can’t even be explained in words.
Since its inception, Sextoylux’s aim has been to provide the best quality service to each one of its customers. When you make a purchase, Sextoylux will assign a personal specialist to you to handle your order. You can message your specialist to keep track of the order’s progress and get help with any queries or reasonable requests.
Sextoylux partners with DHL Express to provide a first class shipping service. For any orders of more than $ USD, Sextoylux will provide FREE shipping to destination countries.
Check out Free Shipping Service for more details.